采用光学显微镜、电子显微镜、X- 射线衍射仪等手段比较研究了两批韩国铝箔毛料和五批国产铝箔毛料的显微组织。研究表明,进口毛料和国产毛料中化合物相的类型有较大不同。进口料中化合物相以α(FeSiAl)和β(FeSiAl) 相为主,而国产毛料中化合物相以FeAl3 和α(FeSiAl) 相为主;进口毛料中固溶的硅含量较低,但晶粒尺寸较大。分析了固溶硅含量、Fe/Si 比和晶粒尺寸等对铝箔轧制性能的影响及针孔增多的原因。
The microstructure of two batches of Korean aluminum foil and five batches of domestic aluminum foil were comparatively studied by optical microscope, electron microscope and X-ray diffraction. The research shows that the types of compound phases in imported wool and domestic wool are quite different. The main phase of the feedstock is α (FeSiAl) and β (FeSiAl) phases, while the FeCl3 and α (FeSiAl) phases are the main phase of the domestic wool. The content of dissolved silicon in the imported wool is low, Larger size. The influence of the content of solid solution silicon, Fe / Si ratio and grain size on the rolling performance of aluminum foil and the reasons for the increase of pinholes were analyzed.