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在新教育形式下,在新一轮课程改革的推动下,作为教师应该从自身出发更新观念,用发展的眼光来重新认识自己所教的信息技术课程。在《江苏省义务教育信息技术课程指导纲要(修订)》(以下简称《新纲要》)的引领下,认真解读新教材所赋予的新内涵和新思想,合理、科学并创造性地使用教材。通过在教学中尝试的一些具体案例描述,让教材中“物化”的内容,“活现”在自己的课堂教学中,让学生真正成为新课程改革的受益者。 Under the new form of education, driven by the new round of curriculum reform, teachers should start from their own point of view to update their ideas and use the perspective of development to re-understand the information technology curriculum they teach. Under the guidance of Jiangsu Province Compulsory Education Information Technology Curriculum Guideline (Revised) (hereinafter referred to as “the new outline”), carefully interpret new connotation and new ideas conferred by the new teaching materials, and use the teaching materials rationally, scientifically and creatively. Through the teaching of some specific case descriptions, we can let the students truly become the beneficiaries of the new curriculum reform by letting the contents of the materialization “living ” in their teaching materials.