Analysis of Change in Sperm Quality of Chinese FertileMen druing 1981~1996

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By literature search, 114 papers for fertile m ale sperm quality including 256 set data w ere collected from 9 292 personsand 11 726 assaysinvolving 39 citiesand coun- ties. Results of analysis show ed a decrease in m ean concentration of sperm from 103.02×106 /m l (1983) to 83.84×106/m l (1996), sperm m otility w as decreased from 75.11(1982) to 67.27(1996) and percentage of sperm w ith norm alm or- phology w asreduced from 85.02(1983) to 77.89(1996), thusshow ing thedefi- nite negative correlation and being statistically significant (P< 0.05). Total sperm countsw ere decreased from 355.34×106(1984) to 262.26×106(1996) and the m ean sem inalvolum ew asdecreased from 3.31 m l(1981) to 2.97 m l(1996), both tending to decline butnotbeing statistically significant(P> 0.05). Itisinteresting to notethat although Chinese sperm quality is better, itdeclines significantly faster than thatof w estern countriesatthesam eperiod. Itispossible thatthe decline of sperm quality is due to problem of environm entalquality. Theauthorssuggesttheemphasisof basicre- search in relevantfields. By literature search, 114 papers for fertile m ale sperm quality including 256 set data w ere collected from 9 292 persons and 11 726 assays involved 39 cities and councils. Results of analysis show ed a decrease in m concentration of sperm from 103.02 × 106 / sperm m otility w as decreased from 75.11  (1982) to 67.27  (1996) and percentage of sperm w ith norm alm or-phology w asreduced from 85.02  (1983) to 83.84 × 106 / ml ) to 77.89 (1996), thusshow ing thedefi- nite negative correlation and being statistically significant (P <0.05). Total sperm counts w ere decreased from 355.34 × 106 (1984) to 262.26 × 106 (1996) and the semanal inalvolum It is of interest to to not but since but the Chinese sperm quality is better, itdeclines significantly faster than that of the w estern countriesatthesam eperiod. Itispossible tothedecreasedfrom 3.31ml (1981) to 2.97ml (1996), both tending to decline butnotbeing statistically significant (P> 0.05). decline of sperm qua lity is due to problem of environm entalquality. Theauthorssuggesttheemphasisof basicresearch in relevantfields.
目前 ,上海市包装技术协会邀请了美国威斯康辛州威斯康辛大学包装设计系教授汤姆先生 ,参加第二次“设计沙龙” ,并作专业交流讲学。参加这次活动的有上海包装设计企业、包装