Annual energy performance simulation of solar chimney in a cold winter and hot summer climate

来源 :建筑模拟(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shylake
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The paper studies the energy performance of a solar chimney (SC) in a high performance two-story detached house with 220 m2 floor area using EnergyPlus and the climate data of the hot summer and cold winter in China. An 8 m tal and 1.6 m wide solar chimney with a depth of 1 m is attached to the west wal to enhance building ventilation. The house uses a variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system to provide the heating and cooling and a separate ventilation system for outdoor air. The energy simulation results are compared between the house with the SC (SC case) and the same house but without SC (reference case). The results show that the SC produces larger ventilation rates than the minimum required rate most time of the year and therefore it needs to be controlled to avoid excessive outdoor air that leads to increased heating/cooling loads during the heating/cooling seasons. In this paper, a control is assumed so that the total outdoor air (through windows, doors, cracks and SC all together) is no more than one air exchange rate when the VRF system is running. The simulation shows that the SC can reduce the annual ventilation energy by 77.8% and the VRF energy by 2.3%. Overall, the annual energy saving of the SC for the studied house model is 549.0 kWh or 9.0% of the total HVAC energy consumption.
摘 要:目前我国人民对于气象综合观测的准确性要求越来越高,因为人们的日常生活与天气联系比较紧密,许多需要出行的人员都需要准确的气象综合观测结果,因此对气象观测提出了更高的要求。但是目前我国气象综合观测过程中还存在着很多的问题,下面本文就针对气象综合观测中出现的问题提出相对应的解决措施,希望能够为相关工作人员提供帮助。  关键词:气象综合观测;常见问题;应对措施  目前,我们国家各级领导人以及相关工
摘 要:近几年来,计算机和通信技术飞速发展,很多电子设备开始广泛的运用在气象业务员已经通信系统中,再加上雷击造成的电子设备以及通信系统损害的情况越来越突出,甚至影响到人们的工作和生活。本文分析了气象部门目前较常见的几类电子设备的雷电防护措施,希望能够从根本上提升气象部门电子设备和网络通讯的安全性以及可靠性。  关键词:气象电子设备;雷电保护;措施  雷电一直以来对电子设备的影响较大,其对电子信息系