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蛮鼓声坎坎,巴女舞蹲蹲。牙墙迎海舶,铜鼓赛江神。这是唐代诗人白居易赞美铜鼓的名句。对我们处在文明高度发展的现代人来说,铜鼓已成为一种很陌生的古代少数民族乐器,关于它的来源、它的制作工艺和它内在的含义对我们来说都是一团迷雾。铜鼓的神秘奇特首先表现在它的起源上,由于铜鼓铸造工艺的失传,铜鼓的来源十分有限,当今使用的铜鼓也是一代一代流传下来的,或者是偶尔从地下发掘出来的,它们的真正来 Bark drum cannon, Pakistan squat squatting. Tooth wall Yinghai ship, drums drum River God. This is the famous poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi drums praise. For our modern civilization, which is highly developed by civilization, the bronze drum has become a stranger to the ancient ethnic minority musical instruments. The origins of the bronze drums, their craftsmanship and their inherent meanings are a fog for us. The mystery of the drum is first manifested in its origins. The sources of the bronze drums are limited due to the loss of the copper drum casting process. The bronze drums used today are also passed down from generation to generation or occasionally excavated from the ground,
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柑桔溃疡病致病性及传染性强,为害大.为了控制该病的发生,我们采用敌胶等化学药剂进行防治,以加收米铜、波尔多液和DTM粉剂为对照,经几年探索,取得一定成效. In order to co
福建邵武市卫闽林场原来白蚁为害严重,1985—1986年在南际种子园释放穿山甲23头,有效地控制了白蚁为害。一头穿山甲能控制50亩林地不受白蚁危害。穿山甲体形狭长,全长1 00余
随着维基百科发展为互联网主流品牌,它还能使志愿者步调一致吗? Will it keep volunteers in step with the development of Wikipedia as the mainstream internet brand?
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