1993~1994年在中国农业大学科学园进行了冬小麦节水灌溉试验.通过对干物质积累、分配动态观测表明:供水较多、供水较早的处理,干物质累积总量及根、冠生长量较大.根量最大值出现在开花期,在此之前,根、冠同步增长并呈正相关;之后,由于根系不断衰亡出现负相关关系.土壤水分不足,分配到根系的干物质比例及根冠比(R/S)增大,拔节期及其之前的土体水量对R/S影响较大,之后的对R/S影响很小.冬小麦在扬花与拔节期对水分条件较为敏感,其中扬花水显得更为重要,应特别注意加强扬花、灌浆期水分管理.“,”The experiment of water?saving irrigation for winter wheat was conducted in the experiment area of China Agricultural University during 1993 and 1994.The dynamics of dry matter accumulation and partitioning were carefully observed.The results indicated that the total assimilate production and dry matter accumulation increased with irrigation at a higher rate and on an earlier date .There existed positive correlation between root and shoot growth before reaching maximal root biomass at the anthesis stage,whi...