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十年来,深圳经济特区坚持“经济建设必须依靠科学技术,科学技术必须面向经济建设”的方针,不断深化科技体制改革,广泛开展科技领域的外引内联,取得了丰硕的成果,有力地推动了特区经济与社会的高速发展。一、科技事业蓬勃发展,体制改革初见成效1、科研机构迅速发展,开发体制正在形成。特区建立以后,即一改以往政府包揽科研的传统,改革科研与生产脱节的体制,大力扶持以工业产品为主的新产品、新技术开发,积极支持企业建立研究开发机构。到1989年底,全市共建立各类新产品、新技术研究开发机构99个,其中属企业性质和下放到企业管理的事业性质科研机构有62个,大部分大、中型工业企业已经设立或正在设立常设性的新产品、新技术开发机构。此外,深圳市还与内地30多所高等院校、100多个大中型科研机构建立了一批科研生产联合体。目前,深圳市正在形成一个以企业新产品、新技术研究开发机构为主体,以内地高等院校、科研机构为依托,以国际经济技术合作为对外渠道,科研生产一体化的研究开发组织架构。 Over the past ten years, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone upholds the principle of “economic construction must rely on science and technology and science and technology must be geared towards economic development”, continuously deepens the reform of the science and technology system, extensively promotes the science and technology sector, obtains fruitful results and vigorously promotes The SAR’s rapid economic and social development. First, the rapid development of science and technology, institutional reform has achieved initial success 1, the rapid development of scientific research institutions, development system is taking shape. After the establishment of the SAR, it has changed the previous government’s tradition of taking over scientific research and reforming the system of separation of scientific research and production. It vigorously supported the development of new products and technologies based on industrial products and actively supported the establishment of research and development institutions. By the end of 1989, the city has established a total of 99 new research and development institutions for new products and new technologies, of which 62 are scientific research institutes of a nature of enterprises and decentralized to enterprise management. Most large and medium-sized industrial enterprises have been set up or are being established Permanent new products, new technology development agencies. In addition, Shenzhen has also established a number of scientific research and production associations with more than 30 institutions of higher learning and over 100 large and medium-sized scientific research institutions in the Mainland. At present, Shenzhen is setting up an R & D organizational structure that takes enterprises’ new products and new technology research and development institutions as the mainstay, relying on universities and research institutions in the Mainland, international economic and technological cooperation as external channels, and research and production integration.
所有的球员都深谙日常训练的重要性。你知道吗?成功的关键其实不在于训练时间的长短,而在于训练方法是否有效,讲究方法的高效训练才是通往成功的康庄大道。 All players are
各州市人民政府教育督导室、教育局:  为深入贯彻党的教育方针,进一步增强青少年体质,促进青少年健康成长,积极推进实施素质教育,根据中共中央国务院《关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》(中发〔2007〕7号)和教育部关于印发《中小学体育工作督导评估指标体系的通知(试行)》(教督〔2008〕3号)要求,结合我省实际,决定从2008年起开展全省中小学校体育工作专项督导评估。现就有关事项通知如下:  
犀利的击球,更犀利的语言,一向是阿根廷网球的标志性坐标。纳班们带来潘帕斯草原的强劲不羁,那么,来自这个国度的网球记者是什么样子?    卡洛斯普里耶多(Carlos Prieto)  供职于Clarin网站(阿根廷著名门户网站),也为国内报纸撰稿。    2005年,跟着纳班的脚步,卡洛斯第一次来上海,第一次踏上亚洲的土地,3年后他又跟随波特罗来沪。“上海很现代,又保留了浓重历史气息,这里的人口大