
来源 :当代矿工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruiye
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这是一个健康、文明的家庭:主人是位1958年参加工作的老煤矿,得过的奖状有一大摞;三个儿子都是井下生产一线的排头兵,从参加工作,年年都被评为矿上的先进生产者,有的还是矿务局的青年标兵。这又是一个幸福、快乐的家庭:祖孙三代10口人,月收入近2500元,父子情深,婆媳和睦,是兖州矿务局的“五好家庭”。初夏的一天,我来到兴隆庄矿的家属区,叩响了薛振山师傅家的 This is a healthy and civilized family: the owner was an old coal mine who took part in the work in 1958 and got a large pile of certificates of warfare. All three sons are the vanguard of the downhole production line and have been appraised as mine every year since joining the work On the advanced producers, some of them still Youth Bureau pacesetter. This is another happy and happy family: 10 generations of grandchildren and grandchildren, nearly 2,500 yuan monthly income, father and son deep love, harmony, is the Yanzhou Mining Bureau “Five Good Families.” One day in early summer, I came to Xinglongzhuang mine family members, knocked Xue home Xue master
Land use and land cover(LULC)alteration has changed original energy balance and heat fluxes between land and atmosphere,and thus affects the structure character
Population migration,especially population inflow from epidemic areas,is a key source of the risk related to the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)epidemic.This
探究了钠基膨润土、钙基膨润土和有机膨润土分别与甲基丙烯酸烯丙酯交联后形成复合材料的实验条件.在200 ℃下,加入2%质量分数的膨润土与甲基丙烯酸烯丙酯在质量分数为3%的过硫