
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hu1234
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  Bolivian President Evo Morales and other high-level Government and United Nations officials met on the football field to support the ‘UNiTE to End Violence Against Women’.
  Players included the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Nicola Poposki, and two women members of parliament from Norway, Karin Andersen and Lene V?gslid, the Ambassador of Austria to the UN and diplomats from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Liechtenstein and the United States.
  Rebeca Grynspan, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNDP Associate Administrator kicked off the match with Lakshmi Puri, UN Assistant Secretary-General and UN Women Deputy Executive Director, using SOCCKET—a ball that generates electricity when kicked and exemplifies innovative solutions for inclusive, sustainable energy.
  “Let’s seize this opportunity to strike a goal against violence and for women’s rights and gender equality,” Ms. Puri said.
  “Football is a global passion and a great way to win hearts and minds, conveying the message that ‘real men don’t hit’,” said Heraldo Mu?oz, UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the match organizer.
  “Governments must lead by example, showing zero tolerance to all forms of gender violence and adopting and enforcing laws to address and punish all forms of violence against women and girls, in line with international human rights standards,” Ms. Grynspan added.
According to the Crop Prospects and Food Situation reported by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the global supply of cereal this year will surpass the 2012 level. The report coincides with
Cedric Jefferson, Allie Denard 和Taylor Worthington三个人并不知道他们初来华盛顿会遇到什么。作为美国众议院的员工,他们希望能与名人和权贵打交道,成为其他年轻人羡慕的对象。起初,生活并没有让他们失望。但是,他们年青的心灵无法想象,他们面临的是一个隐秘的世界,那里生活无法无天,充斥着贪污腐败。还没等他们意识到,他们就会被一个可怕的世界吞噬。
Experts from law enforcement, research and academia gathered at a United Nations meeting in Vienna to search for methods to tackle the children exploitation online.  “The exploitation of children is n
UN Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health have called for the elimination of rabies in a joint statement issued on the occa
United Nations officials warned that there is a huge need for well-trained and well-supported teachers at World Teachers' Day, particularly in African and Arab States where the teacher shortage are wo
《蒂普和吉佩尔》讲述了两位政治对手为了国家利益而一起效力的历史故事。Chris Matthews作为时任国会议长Tip O'Neill的高级助手见证了历史。Tip在1980-1986年间向里根发动了一场原则性的政治理想的斗争。两人最终相互妥协,携手共创美国的未来,成为历史上最成功不同意识形态间的政治配对。  当罗纳德·里根战胜吉米·卡特(作者曾为其撰写演讲稿)当选新一任美国总统,O'Neill议长
Jan Eliasson, the Deputy Secretary-General, stressed the need of international community addressing chronic humanitarian needs and crises in Africa at UN Headquarters on the work of the African Region
UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) welcomed the announcement that Brazil will provide special humanitarian visas for Syrians and other nationals affected by the conflict and who wish to seek re