患者,女,27岁,因停经20+周,排血便17h伴晕厥3次来我院就诊。查体:T36.2℃,P102次/min,R20次/min,BP13.3/8.2kPa(100/62mm Hg)。神清,贫血貌;截石位肛窥镜下齿状线远侧1、5及11点处见有外痔,均未见活动性出血。RBC2.32×109/L,Hb68g/L。以“便血原因待查:外痔出血”急诊住院。入
Patients, female, 27 years old, due to menopause 20+ weeks, 17h discharge with syncope 3 times to our hospital. Examination: T36.2 ℃, P102 times / min, R20 times / min, BP13.3/8.2kPa (100/62 mm Hg). God clear, anemia appearance; lithotomy position anal endoscopic distal odontoid 1,5 and 11 points to see external hemorrhoids, were no active bleeding. RBC2.32 × 109 / L, Hb68g / L. To “cause of hemorrhage to be investigated: external hemorrhoids bleeding” emergency hospitalization. Into