
来源 :浙江预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xujin2003cn
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高考学生体检结果是反映学生健康和高等学校生源综合素质状况的重要依据之一[1]。了解和分析高考考生身体素质和健康状况,目的是提高和促进青少年健康成长,同时也为政府及有关部门研究和增强学生健康问题提供科学参考依据。本次对宁 Physical examination results of college entrance examination students reflect one of the important basis for the health of students and the overall quality of students in colleges and universities [1]. Understand and analyze the physical fitness and health of college entrance examination candidates, the purpose is to improve and promote the healthy growth of young people, but also for the government and relevant departments to study and enhance student health problems provide a scientific reference. This is right
韩国NGO是在1987年韩国政治转型后迅速发展起来的,并发挥着越来越重要的作用。由于中东地区的特殊情况,韩国在中东活跃的NGO主要是面向教育和医疗的发展型NGO(Development NG