在云南省马龙县采用白马河林场、古永林场和保山林场 3地部省合建的云南松母树林的种子营建子代林 ,以全省和当地商品种造林作对照 ,对 5年生的幼林进行早期观测分析表明 :云南松母树林具有较高的实际增益 ,白马河林场、古永林场和保山林场的云南松母树林子代林树高的实际增益分别为 49 85 % ,- 1 3 6 2 % ,1 1 35 % ,地径的实际增益分别为 46 0 1 % ,36 97% ,42 0 2 %
In Malong County, Yunnan Province, Baima River Forest Farm, Gu Yong Forest Farm and Baoshan Forest Farm are jointly established in Yunnan Province. The seedlings of the pine forests in Yunnan Province are managed by subprojects. The 5-year-old young forests are under the control of the whole province and the local commercial forest. The early observation and analysis showed that the actual gain of Pinus yunnanensis forest in Yunnan was higher, and the actual gains of Pinus yunnanensis stands were 49 85%, -136 2% and 1 362% respectively in Baimahe forest farm, Guyong forest farm and Baoshan forest farm, 1 35%, and the actual gains of ground diameter are respectively 46 0 1%, 36 97% and 42 0 2%