低增生性急性白血病(hypoplastic acute-leukemia;HAL)是末梢血全血细胞减少,骨髓有核细胞增生低下的特殊类型急性白血病,因其临床表现与一般急性白血病不同,酷似再生障碍性贫血、粒细胞减少症,易于误诊。我院血液组自1976~1984年2月共诊治15例,现将临床特点及诊治经过分析如下。
Hypotonic acute leukemia (HAL) is a special type of acute leukemia with peripheral blood pancytopenia and low proliferation of bone marrow nucleated cells. Because of its different clinical manifestations from acute leukemia, resembling aplastic anemia, granulocytes Reduce disease, easy to misdiagnosis. Our hospital blood group from 1976 to February 1984 a total of 15 cases of treatment, now the clinical features and diagnosis and treatment are as follows.