2005年5月16日.记者在中国最西部的城市喀什迎来了驾驶雷诺卡车远征“丝绸之路”的16位队员。如今,已习惯了难耐的寂寞,习惯了崎岖的地形,习惯了在鲜为人知的山峰、山岭、险途、沙丘和泥泞中尝试驾驶的雷诺片车队员,将这次远征中最难忘的一段经历告诉了记者。穿越卡帕多其亚 2005年4月2日,当地时间中午12:30分法国里昂雷诺卡车总裁兼百席执行官石曾先生同里昂市市长Gerard Collomb先生.在中国大使赵进军的陪同下.正式启动雷诺卡车探险2005“丝绸之路”的征程。这支车队同几个世纪前的沙漠旅行队一样,取道神秘的丝绸之路,他们携带的丝绸,将不再是用于商品交换之用途,而是友谊的象征。
May 16, 2005. Reporters in China’s westernmost city of Kashgar ushered in the Renault truck expedition “Silk Road ” 16 members. Now accustomed to pathetic loneliness, accustomed to rugged terrain, accustomed to trying to drive in the little-known peaks, mountains, dangerous roads, sand dunes and muddy Reno members will be the most memorable part of the expedition Told reporters the experience. Across Cappadocia April 2, 2005, 12:30 noon local time Renault Trucks President and CEO Mr. Shi Zeng and Lyon Mayor Gerard Collomb, accompanied by Chinese Ambassador Zhao Jinjun Officially launched Renault Truck Expedition 2005 “Silk Road” journey. Like the desert safaris hundreds of centuries ago, this convoy took the mysterious Silk Road. The silk they carry will no longer be used for commodity exchange but a symbol of friendship.