
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spacelion
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随着社会的发展,人类的不断追求,旅游行业的发展越来越迅速。为满足人们的精神文化需求,将红色旅游与休闲旅游进行融合发展,在旅客们进行游玩时也让红色文化不断的渗进他们的思想,使旅游愈发的有意义。作为革命老区——江西南昌,拥有丰富而独一无二的红色旅游资源。本文将从南昌红色旅游与休闲旅游的融合发展入手,结合南昌红色旅游与休闲旅游的发展优势,对南昌红色旅游与休闲旅游的融合发展进行可行性研究。 With the development of society, the constant pursuit of mankind, the development of tourism industry is more and more rapid. In order to meet people’s spiritual and cultural needs, the red tourism and leisure tourism will be integrated with each other and the red culture will continue to infiltrate their minds while visitors are having fun. This will make tourism more and more meaningful. As the old revolutionary base areas - Nanchang, Jiangxi, has a rich and unique red tourism resources. This article starts with the integration and development of red tourism and leisure tourism in Nanchang. Combining with the development advantages of red tourism and leisure tourism in Nanchang, this article will conduct a feasibility study on the integration and development of red tourism and leisure tourism in Nanchang.
今年8月1日,是偉大的南昌起义九十周年纪念日。在这个重大历史纪念日到来之际,我不禁回顾起谭天度在南昌起义中所写下的诗词。能参加南昌起义,还留下当时的诗作,这是值得令人品味的。  谭天度曾以106岁高龄成为中国第一代共产党人中的最高寿者。也因此,我常常会听到一些人问:“谭老何时入党?”我答曰:“他不是‘入党’,是‘建党’,谭老参加了广东建党的全过程。”又有人问:“谭老是不是老红军?”我答曰:“说谭老