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目的探讨视频脑电图(VEEG)监测对儿童发作性癫的诊断及鉴别诊断的临床价值。方法临床诊断为癫及疑为癫、不疑癫或其他发作性疾病的726例患儿进行4~24hVEEG监测,并对其脑电波形及临床发作情况进行分析。结果VEEG异常542例(74.66%),其中非特异性异常117例(16.12%),样放电425例(58.54%)。726例中505例行常规脑电图检测,非特异性异常91例(18.02%),样放电42例(8.32%)。两者相比有显著差异。726例VEEG监测后明确诊断非癫187例,癫493例。结论VEEG对儿童癫诊断、分型、定位及与非癫发作性疾病的鉴别有重要价值,更能发现特殊的类型,有利于研究和发现癫发作的生理机制和诱因。 Objective To investigate the clinical value of video-electroencephalography (VEEG) in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of seizures in children. Methods A total of 726 children with epilepsy, suspected epilepsy, epilepsy or other seizures were enrolled in the study. The eEG waveform and clinical seizure were analyzed. Results VEEG was abnormal in 542 cases (74.66%), of which 117 cases were nonspecific abnormalities (16.12%), and 425 cases (58.54%) were abnormal discharges. Among 726 cases, 505 cases were examined by conventional EEG, including 91 cases (18.02%) with nonspecific abnormality and 42 cases (8.32%) with normal discharge. There are significant differences between the two. After 726 cases of VEEG monitoring, 187 cases of non-epilepsy were diagnosed, and 493 cases of epilepsy were diagnosed. Conclusion VEEG has important value in the diagnosis, classification, location and identification of seizures in children with epilepsy. It is more useful to find the special types and to study and discover the physiological mechanism and causes of seizures.
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