本文对200例智力低下儿童进行了染色体分析。结果:25例染色体异常,异常率12.5%。其中Down氏综合征22例,其它染色体异常2例,性染色体异常1例。 本文提出,对35岁以上妊娠妇女,上次妊娠分娩出染色体异常病儿者,夫妇中有一方为平衡易位携带者、嵌合体或其它非整倍体者,近亲中有先天愚型或其它染色体异常者,有两次以上自发流产史者,在妊娠早期曾接受较大剂量辐射、曾受病毒感染者均应进行产前诊断。
In this paper, 200 cases of mental retardation in children were analyzed by chromosome. Results: 25 cases of chromosomal abnormalities, abnormal rate of 12.5%. Of which Down’s syndrome in 22 cases, 2 other cases of chromosomal abnormalities, 1 cases of sex chromosome abnormalities. This article suggests that for pregnant women over the age of 35, the last pregnancy, childbirth and chromosomal abnormalities were delivered to one of the couple was balanced translocation carriers, chimeras or other aneuploidy, relatives of Down’s syndrome or others Chromosome abnormalities, there are more than two spontaneous abortion history, who received larger doses of radiation in early pregnancy, who had been infected by the virus should be prenatal diagnosis.