Colorimetric determination of nanomolar concentrations of silicate in natural waters after liquid-li

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:softdir
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A sensitive solvent extraction method for the determination of nonamolar concentrations of silicate in natural waters is developed. According to the traditional aqueous silicate method,silicomolybdenum blue formed by the reaction between silicate and ammonium molydate and reduced by metol-sulfite reagent is extracted by methyl isobutyl ketone. The absorbance can be enhanced substantially up to 10-folds. The detection limit of silicate is 8 nmol/dm3,which is one tenth smaller than the traditional method,with the precision of 4.0% at a silicate level of 50 nmol/dm3 and 3.2% at a silicate level of 6 μmol/dm3. Comparing the calibration curves in the distilled water and seawater,it can be seen that the salt effect also exists in the extraction method. However,the salt effect is a linear function of the salinity and can be corrected by simple calibration. The proposed method is successfully applied to the determination of silicate in natural waters. Natural concentrations of arsenate,arsenite and phosphate cause negligible interference. A sensitive solvent extraction method for the determination of nonamolar concentrations of silicate in natural waters is developed. Silicomolybdenum blue formed by the reaction between silicate and ammonium molydate and reduced by metol-sulfite reagent is extracted by methyl isobutyl The detection limit of silicate is 8 nmol / dm3, which is one tenth smaller than the traditional method, with the precision of 4.0% at a silicate level of 50 nmol / dm3 and 3.2% at a silicate level of 6 μmol / dm3. Comparing the calibration curves in the distilled water and seawater, it can be seen that the salt effect also exists in the extraction method. However, the salt effect is a linear function of the salinity and can be corrected by simple calibration. The proposed method is successfully applied to the determination of silicate in natural waters. te and phosphate cause negligible interference.
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