近年来,我们在部分竹区作了一些调查,发现为害竹类叶部的蚧虫颇多。其中尤以竹釉盾蚧发生普遍,危害严重,是竹业生产的一大害虫。现将观察资料整理于下。 一、分布及危害 竹釉盾蚧Unachionaspis bambusae(Co-ckerell)。隶属于盾蚧科釉盾蚧属。此蚧遍布我市郊区竹林及野生竹丛,分布于我省的宣城、广德、郎溪、芜湖、当涂等县;江苏、浙江也有分布。 竹釉盾蚧食性较杂,主要寄生在毛竹、淡竹、野生小竹、白乌哺鸡竹、水竹、刚竹等竹类的叶片背面为害,受害部位形成褐黄色斑点,叶尖枯焦,大量发生时,斑点联成片,致使整个叶子枯黄而凋落,严重影响竹子的正常生长,给竹业生产带来经济损失。
In recent years, we conducted some surveys in some bamboo areas and found that there are quite a lot of scale insects on the leaves of bamboo. Among them, bamboo glade Si Kui occurred in general, serious harm, is a major pest of bamboo industry. Now observe the information sorted in the next. First, the distribution and hazards bamboo glaze shield Gekko Unachionaspis bambusae (Co-ckerell). Affiliated to the shield calabash Division Glauber’s shield is a genus. This scale all over the city suburbs of bamboo and wild bamboo clumps, located in our province Xuancheng, Guangde, Langxi, Wuhu, Dangtu counties; Jiangsu, Zhejiang also have distribution. Bamboo glaze shield scale diet more complex, mainly parasitic in the bamboo, light bamboo, wild bamboo, white black feeding bamboo, bamboo, just bamboo and other bamboo leaves of the back damage, the formation of spots brown spots, scorched leaf tip, a large number of occurrence When the spot together into pieces, resulting in the entire leaves yellow and litter, seriously affecting the normal growth of bamboo, bamboo industry to bring economic losses.