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一、今年上半年协会开展工作情况(一)积极促进钢铁工业结构调整、转型升级就化解钢铁产能过剩建言献策。认真落实习近平总书记关于化解产能过剩矛盾的要求,按照年初召开的理事(扩大)会议提出的“要把化解钢铁产能过剩作为推进钢铁工业结构调整,提高钢铁产业竞争力,加快转变发展方式的主攻方向和实现路径”的总体思路,与国家发改委、工信部等部门就化解钢铁产能过剩问题多次进行交流,形成基本共识。认真进行 First, the work carried out by the Association in the first half of this year (A) to actively promote the structural adjustment of the steel industry, restructuring and upgrading to resolve steel overcapacity to offer advice and suggestions. Conscientiously implement the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on resolving the contradiction between overcapacity and according to the meeting of directors (enlarged) convened at the beginning of the year, “We should take resolving the overcapacity of steel as the structural adjustment of the steel industry, increase the competitiveness of the steel industry and accelerate the transformation of the mode of development Main directions and ways to achieve ”the general idea of ​​the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and other departments to resolve the problem of steel overcapacity many exchanges, the formation of a basic consensus. Seriously
[关键词]促红细胞生成素;潜在性;细胞保护作用  文章编号:1003-1383(2009)03-0340-03 中用分类号:R331.141 文献标识码:A  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-1383.2009.03.056
Starting from the low-carbon concept to practice in the specificproduction requires recollected thinking and judgments. It can be seenthat "functional" and "green" casual fabrics are becoming more and
为探讨设计性实验教学在微生物学检验课程中的应用效果,沈阳医学院微生物学教研室在本科医学检验专业学生中进行了设计性实验教学的尝试.结果 显示,设计性实验教学明显优于传统教学,有助于增加学生的学习机会,提高学生的学习成绩,培养学生的多种能力,增强教师的责任意识。