2005年12月21日下午,由 国家处置劫机事件领导小组办公 室组织的“2005年度国家反劫机 专项演习”在重庆江北国际机场 成功举行。 此次演习分为三个科目,一 是反劫机兵力的异地空中运送, 二是反劫机武力突击行动,三是 应急救援。此次演习共有民航、武 警、公安、安全、卫生、消防等部门 的600多名工作人员参与,动用 了两架民航客机以及近百辆装甲 运兵车、通讯车、指挥车、电磁干 扰车、消防车、救护车等装备。演 习重点检验了我国反劫机领导机 构及其成员单位处置重大劫机事 件的决策指挥、组织协调和武警 反劫机部门的异地空中输送、武 力突击能力,以促进有关地区和
On the afternoon of December 21, 2005, “2005 National Anti-Hijack Special Exercises” organized by the Office of the Leading Group for Handling Hijackings by the State was successfully held at Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport. The exercise is divided into three subjects, one is the anti-hijackers force off-site air transport, and second, anti-hijackers force assault operations, and third, emergency rescue. The exercise involved a total of more than 600 staff from civil aviation, armed police, public security, safety, health and fire departments, and used two civil aviation airliners and nearly a hundred armored personnel carriers, communications vehicles, command vehicles, electromagnetic interference vehicles, fire fighting vehicles Car, ambulance and other equipment. The exercise focused on examining the decision-making command, coordination and coordination of handling of major hijackings by our leading agencies and their member units of the anti-hijacking and the capability of assault and attack by air forces and armed forces in the anti-hijacking departments of the armed police in order to promote regional and /