辞旧岁,迎新年,这样的日子在历史长河中本没有什么特别之处,但对于奔波于其中的凡夫俗子如我辈者,新旧交替总会让人心生别样的感慨,也总会把一些新旧交替时发生的事情存放于心,以示纪念。 这个月当俺刚采访完反病毒专家王江民,不料后院失火,编辑部遭受了一次严重的“病毒”袭击。不过对于这种“病毒”,反病毒专家王江民可能也会束手无策,因为这是一场感冒病毒。始作俑者李丽同学在声嘶力竭了两天之后,杂志社的其他人等就开始大把大把往嘴里倒各类感冒药,
In the past years, New Year, such days in the long history of the river there is nothing special, but for the ordinary people like me who travel, old and new will always be different people’s feelings, but also always put some Things that happened when the old and the new alternated were stored in the heart to show memorials. When I just interviewed anti-virus expert Wang Jiangmin this month, I noticed that the backyard was in a fire and the editorial department suffered a serious “virus” attack. But for this “virus”, anti-virus expert Wang Jiangmin may be helpless, because this is a cold virus. Initiator Li Li students in hoarse spent two days later, the magazine’s other people began to pour a lot of mouth into the various types of cold medicine,