我叫李建生(常用笔名字文杰),今年26岁。原来居住栾川县狮子庙乡朱家村,是个残疾青年(小儿麻痹后遗症).自学写稿给了我无穷的乐趣,给了我力量和智慧,身体健康情况也大有好转. 1981年我高中毕业后,因为是疾残人,未能参加高招考试,准备深造的理想变成泡影.想找个教学的事,得到的回答是:“好身体的还轮不着,那能挂上你的号!”正当我感到在人生的道路上没有希望的时候,亲朋好友提醒我发挥在学校爱好写作的长处,学写稿子。我怀着试试看的心情进行采写,居然被一些报纸和广播采用了。越写越想写,
My name is Li Jiansheng (commonly used pen name Wenjie), 26 years old this year. Originally living in Zhujiacun, Lionschuan Township, Luanchuan County, was a disabled youngster (polio sequelae) Self-taught writing gave me endless fun, gave me strength and wisdom, and my physical condition has greatly improved .In 1981, I graduated from high school After that, because he was a disabled person, he failed to participate in the high school exam, and the ideal of preparing for further study became a bubble. “Looking for a teaching item, the answer we got was:” Good body can not turn round. "Just as I felt hopeless on my life’s path, my friends and family reminded me to play the strengths of writing at school and write a manuscript. I write with the mood to try, actually adopted by some newspapers and radio. Write more to write,