He was admitted to hospital on November 20, 1990. He was 60 years old. He was deaf because of hoarseness for more than four months. For more than four months, hoarseness has become worse, with no coughing, bloody sputum, and coughing. No difficulty in swallowing. Smoking history for more than 20 years. He had performed two pathological biopsies in the outer hospital. They were all “dysplasia of right vocal cords.” Physical examination was not significantly abnormal. Undergraduate examination: no special ear, nose, pharynx. Indirect laryngoscopy: The epiglottis was of a (?) type, the vocal cords could not be seen, the pelvic cavity had no effusion, and the cervical lymph nodes were not swollen. Direct laryngoscopy was performed under local anesthesia on November 24, 1990. The right vocal cord was covered by gray-white new creatures and the surface was uneven. Left vocal cord