2003年伊始,一个令人惊奇的公车站竣工于Hoofddorp’s Spaarne医院的前院。此设施坐落于广场中央并给当地的公车服务提供中转服务。在过去,这种设计类型往往中规中矩。不过我们的目标是创造一幅非一般的有视觉冲击性的图景。因此,此车站的设计我们依据奥斯卡尼·迈耶奠定的传统,在白色现代主义和黑色巴洛克主义之间寻找交点。此车站完全由泡沫聚苯乙烯和聚酯建造。在全世界用合成材料建造的结
Beginning in 2003, a surprising bus stop was completed in the front yard of Hoofddorp’s Spaarne Hospital. The facility is located in the center of the square and provides transit service to local bus services. In the past, this type of design often quite satisfactory. However, our goal is to create a non-ordinary visual impact picture. Therefore, the design of this station is based on the tradition laid down by Oskar Meier to find the point of intersection between White Modernism and Black Baroqueism. This station is entirely constructed of styrofoam and polyester. Knot made of synthetic material all over the world