细纱机噪声仅次于梭织机噪声,其单机噪声为89~90dB(A),噪声峰值频率范围为200Hz~3KHz。是纺织工业噪声污染的主要来源之一。 目前,国内对细纱机噪声的研究,局限于经验法则,对噪声源的识别不够精确,往往事倍功半。例如细纱机车头箱经多方治理,如采用吸声或隔声材料封闭车头,采用胶木、塑料齿轮降噪等,但多未能实用,以致有人认为细纱机车头箱降噪潜力不大。
Spinning machine noise second only to weaving machine noise, the stand-alone noise of 89 ~ 90dB (A), the peak noise frequency range of 200Hz ~ 3KHz. It is one of the main sources of noise pollution in the textile industry. At present, the domestic research on the noise of the spinning frame is limited to the rule of thumb, and the recognition of the noise source is not accurate enough, which is often less effective. For example, the front box of the spinning machine is governed by various parties. For example, sound insulation or sound insulation materials are used to close the front of the machine, and bakelite and plastic gear are used to reduce noise. However, many of them are not practical so that some people think there is not much potential for noise reduction in the front box of the spinning machine.