经杂交和无性系选择 ,育成了窄冠白杨、窄冠黑青杨、窄冠黑白杨、窄冠黑杨等 4大类 13个窄冠型杨树新无性系 ,并用窄冠白杨 5个无性系进行了杨粮间作的研究。 11a研究结果表明 ,窄冠型杨树用于农林间作“胁地很轻”是适用于农田林网和农林间作的优良品种 ,可在华北和中原地区推广
After clonal selection and clonal selection, bred 13 narrow-crown poplar clones of Narrow Crown Poplar, Narrow Crown Poplar, Narrow Crown Poplar, Narrow Crown Poplar and other four categories, and with five narrow clonal aspens Yang grain intercropping research. 11a The results show that the use of narrow-crown poplar for agro-forestry “lightly threatened” is suitable for farmland forest network and agroforestry varieties, can be promoted in North China and Central Plains