Patient, female, 37 years old. In September 29, 1985 morning serving pesticide propanil 200ml. Half an hour after abdominal pain, shortness of breath, bruising, quickly loss of consciousness. At that time blood pressure 13.3 / 8.3kPa (100 / 60mmHg). The local intravenous methylene blue, consciousness recovery after 10h. Night vomit coffee-like liquid, row dark brown paste it. At 10 o’clock the next day into our hospital. Past history of chronic nephritis. Physical examination: body temperature 38 ℃. Blood pressure 8.00 / 6.67kPa (60 / 50mmHg), skin blue-purple. Restless words. Jueleng limbs. Heart rate 140 / min, heart rate Qi, no noise, lungs full of wet rales.