At 10 pm on July 27, 1953, the entire moment for the entry into force of the Armistice Agreement. At that time, I was a correspondent in the communications class at the Battalion of the Volunteers, Twenty-first Army, Sixty-three Division, One-Eight Battalion, and was stationed on the high ground on either side of Wendengli on the east. Our front is the defense of the U.S. military. There is only one creek in the middle. The two closest ones are about 80 meters away from each other and are in a state of confrontation. On the hillside to the south of our side, after the bombardments by the enemy artillery, the trauma of the war was everywhere. The vegetation was blown up, scorched, and the ground scorched earth and the loess reconnected. It was basically bare. The green trees in the U.S. military positions are densely forested because of the small number of our artillery troops and the lack of ammunition. As a result, they rarely shoot at enemy positions. In addition to the first line company with a few staff in the south of the cat’s ear hole, sentry station sentry outside, most of the staff hiding in the northern highlands Banpo,