Controlled Movements in Superlubric MEMS

来源 :哈尔滨工业大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hklsdjflkafg
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Structural superlubricity ( SSL) refers to a state where the friction and wear between two directly contacted solid surfaces are virtually zero. The realization of microscale SSL in 2012 rapidly explored SSL technologies which hold great potential in the development of reliable and energy-efficient micro devices. A key to a successful superlubric device is to control the movements of the superlubric slider. To solve this challenge, here two general principles are shown to guide and control the motion of the slider, i. e., by minimization of interfacial energy and minimization of electrostatic energy. When the shapes of the slider and substrate are designed appropriately, the excess interfacial energy of the contact-pair provides restoring and constraining forces to the slider. Similarly, tunable driving and constraining forces are enabled by the electric fields induced by the electrodes buried in the substrate. These concepts are demonstrated on the design of a superlubric resonator whose natural frequency of the lateral translational mode is well-defined and unfavorable rotation is constrained. The above design principles should be applicable to superlubric devices in general and help the development of future applications of structural superlubricity.
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