目的了解江西省儿童动物致伤流行水平和相关危险因素。方法采用三阶段、分层、整群的抽样方法,采取入户问卷调查法进行调查。结果 0~17周岁儿童动物致伤发生率为1.93%,男性明显高于女性,各年龄组以5~9岁组发生率最高。农村动物致伤发生率为2.09%,城市为1.21%。全年发生高峰为8月、9月和10月。动物致伤给儿童带来的伤害程度,“就诊/休息1 d及以上”占各种严重程度构成的97.84%。儿童动物致伤的主要动物是狗,占86.83%;受到伤害的主要方式是被咬伤,占93.73%。结论加强对狗的饲养和登记管理,强制实行狂犬疫苗接种措施。加强宣传教育,提高儿童的自我防范意识,降低动物致伤的发生率。
Objective To understand the prevalence and risk factors of childhood animal injuries in Jiangxi Province. Methods A three-stage, stratified and cluster sampling method was adopted to investigate the household questionnaires. Results The incidence of animal injuries in children aged 0-17 years was 1.93%, significantly higher in males than in females, with the highest incidence in all age groups of 5-9 years. The incidence of animal injuries in rural areas was 2.09% and 1.21% in urban areas. Peaks throughout the year are August, September and October. The extent of injuries caused by animal injuries to children, “medical treatment 1d and above ” accounted for 97.84% of the various seriousness. The main animals that cause animal injuries in children are dogs, accounting for 86.83%; the main way of being injured is biting, accounting for 93.73%. Conclusion Strengthen the keeping and registration of dogs and enforce rabies vaccination measures. Strengthen publicity and education to raise children’s awareness of self-protection and reduce the incidence of animal injuries.