我国地域辽阔,水色风光众多,瀑布景观便是其别具特色的组成部分。除众所周知的黄果树瀑布、黄河壶口瀑布、九寨沟瀑布群等最著名的瀑布外,还有众多引人入胜的瀑布景观。 最「罕见」的瀑布——四川省大宁河小三峡中的白龙过江瀑布,因其位置偏僻,加上只有在大暴雨刚过,天气转晴的时候才出现,一般游人极少有机会观赏到,故成为一绝。 落差最大的瀑布——我国单级最高的瀑布是台湾省境内的蛟龙瀑布,最底下的一层落差就达500米左右。多级瀑布总落差最高的亦是蛟龙瀑布和福建省周宁县的九龙际瀑布,总落差达1000米左右。
China’s vast territory, many aquatic scenery, waterfall landscape is its unique components. In addition to the well-known Huangguoshu Falls, the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall, Jiuzhaigou waterfalls and other groups the most famous waterfalls, there are many fascinating waterfalls landscape. The most “rare” waterfall - Bailongjiang Waterfall in the Little Three Gorges of Daning River in Sichuan Province, due to its remote location and its appearance only after a heavy rainstorm has just passed and the general tourist rarely have a chance Watch, it is a must. The largest drop falls - China’s highest single-stage waterfalls in the territory of the dragon waterfall in Taiwan Province, the bottom of a drop of about 500 meters. The highest level of multi-level falls is also the highest falls and dragon waterfalls in Fujian Province Zhoulong Jiulongji falls, the total drop of about 1,000 meters.