初识唐双宁先生是在军博书画院。那天先生毫无写字的思想准备,在众人的盛情邀请下匆匆提笔。他成竹在胸,泼墨挥毫,转眼之间烟云满纸,妙笔横生,博得大家阵阵喝彩。那次他给我的印象极深,使我感到惊讶:京畿人文渊薮,卧虎藏龙! 唐双宁先生虽身居高位,却与书法有着不解之缘。他曾先后在中国美术馆、浙江兰亭、荣宝斋以及日本、韩国等地参加过多次书展,作品被中国历史博物馆、周恩来纪念馆等处收藏。近日,文物出版社
Mr. Tang Shuangning acquainted himself with the military art museum. On that day, Mr. Liu was unprepared to write and was hurriedly offered a pen at the kind invitation of everyone. He was brave, ink brush, instant cloud filled with paper, wonderful pen everywhere, won everyone cheers. He was so impressed with me that I was surprised: Gyeonggi-do, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! Despite his high position, Mr. Tang Shuang-ning has a bond with calligraphy. He has successively participated in many book exhibitions in the China Art Museum, Lanting, Rongbaozhai, Zhejiang, Japan and South Korea. His works have been collected by the China History Museum and Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall. Recently, Heritage Press