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最近二十五年,世界上矿物消耗率逐年上升,据统计,消耗量最大的是美国和西欧等工业国家,这些国家下列金属消耗占世界总消耗的比例分别为锌、铅和锡占55%;铝和铜57%;石油68%。自1970年以来,苏联和日本也加入矿基消费国的行列,锌和铅占世界总消耗量的31%;铝和铜25%,石油21%。为了满足日益增长的消耗量,加强陆地矿藏的勘探,寻找新 In recent 25 years, the world’s mineral consumption rate increased year by year, according to statistics, the largest consumption is the United States and Western European and other industrial countries, these countries the following metal consumption accounted for the proportion of the world total consumption of zinc, lead and tin accounted for 55% 57% aluminum and copper; 68% petroleum. Since 1970, the Soviet Union and Japan have also joined the ranks of mine-based consumers, with zinc and lead accounting for 31% of the world’s total consumption; aluminum and copper 25% and oil 21%. In order to meet the growing consumption, to strengthen the exploration of terrestrial mineral deposits, looking for new
Continuous observations of cleavage amitosis in dedifferentiating living cells of carrot were made in vitro. The cells observed were taken from root callus. Th
V.Bjerknes 教授係英皇家学会外籍会员及皇家气象学会荣誉会员,西蒙氏奖章持有者,可说是气象学者中的杰出人才,惜于1951年4月9日在挪威 Oslo 逝世了。他生于1862年3月14日是
现代海洋沉积物 自冰后期以来在海底形成的自然形态的各种物质。 冰后期以来至今的这段时期,在地史学上称为全新世。这是地球历史、也是海洋演化史的最新一页。这段时期约为
In Second Language Acquisition, writing is an important element. While even for English majors, their performance in English writing is far from satisfaction. T