2010-11赛季NBA联盟压力最大的球队是谁?迈阿密热火;2010-11赛季NBA联盟压力最大的球员是谁?勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James);010-11赛季NBA联盟压力最大的主教练是谁?埃里克·斯波尔斯特拉(Erik Spoelstra)。从詹姆斯宣布加盟热火那天起,斯波尔斯特拉就成为了万众关注的焦点——他会怎样处理和“巨头”们的关系?他该如何让那些批评家们闭嘴?他会不会像斯坦·范·甘迪(Stan Van Gundy)那样成为“神算子”提升自我历史地位的牺牲品……事实上,就在常规赛期间,当你在Google上搜索“热火聘请斯波尔斯特拉”时,Google还会非常“智能”地问:“您要找的是不是‘热火解雇斯波尔斯特拉?’”……现在,这些问题都有了答案。随着热火的夺冠,没有人再会谈论“帕特·莱利(Pat Riley)是时候出山接管热火”这样的话题了,他们转而
2010-11 NBA season who the team is the most pressure? Miami Heat; 2010-11 season NBA Union is the most pressure players who? LeBron James; (010-11 season NBA league’s most stressed coach Who is it? Erik Spoelstra. Spoelstra has been the focus of much publicity since the day James was announced to join the Heat - how would he deal with the relationship with the Giants and how he should shut up those critics? Not like Stan Van Gundy, being a victim of escalation of self-historical status ... In fact, just during the regular season, when you searched Google for Heat Hire Google is very “smart” to ask: “Are you looking for ’Heat to fire Spohr Stella?’” ... ... Now, these problems have The answer. As the Heat win, no one talks about “Pat Riley is out of the mountains to take over the Heat,” that’s the topic, and they turn to