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《尚书·顾命》记载了周康王登基时宗庙内所设兵卫的情况:“二人雀弁,执惠,立于毕门之内。四人綦弁,执戈上刃,夹两阶户戺。一人冕,执刘,立于东堂。一人冕,执钺,立于西堂。一人冕,执戣,立于东垂。一人冕,执瞿,立于西垂。一人冕,执锐,立于侧阶。”文中列举了惠、戈上刃、刘、钺、戣、瞿、锐七种西周初期的礼仪兵器,说明了其陈设位置和使用方式。这段记载对研究商周时期的兵器和仪卫制度十分 “Shangshu Gu Gui” records the case of Zhou Zong-kang Shi Zong-ming temple built within the situation: “two birds, benefits, stand within the Bi door. One crown, executive Liu, standing in the East Church .A coronal, executive emperor, standing in the Western Church .One person crown, executive emperor, stand in the East .A corona, executive Qu, The sharp, standing on the side. ”The article lists the Hui, Ge upper edge, Liu, 钺, 戣, Qu, Rui seven early ceremonial weapons of the Western Zhou Dynasty, describes its furnishings and use of the location. This period of records of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties weapons and Miriam system is very
【本刊综合报道】2018年9月6日,“同心圆——王玉堂·张文娟澳门画展”於澳门新口岸长崎街新华大厦一楼的万豪艺廊隆重开幕。  出席开幕仪式的主礼嘉宾有:澳门立法会议员何润生先生,澳门当代艺术有限公司罗德明先生,澳门美术协会陆曦先生,澳门西安商会冯翠屏女士,邝紫珊女士文化教育学会会长邝紫珊女士,同心圆画展的作者王玉堂、张文娟夫妇。  当天举行了隆重的剪綵仪式,仪式结束後,画家王玉堂致答谢词,並邀请大