2012年6月,波音公司研制的联合直接攻击弹药(JDAM)完成了风洞试验。这种型号的JDAM射程为64 km,是原武器系统滑翔距离的3倍。这次试验使得JDAM弹药向定型生产阶段迈近了一步。JDAM增程型(JDAM-ER)的质量为226kg,是波音公司与澳大利亚共同研制的,它增加了可
In June 2012, the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) developed by Boeing completed a wind tunnel test. This model has a JDAM range of 64 km, three times the glide distance of the original weapon system. This trial made JDAM a step closer to the stereotyping phase. The JDAM Extended Range (JDAM-ER) has a mass of 226kg and was jointly developed by Boeing and Australia and added