哈萨克斯坦的拜科努尔航天中心,一枚俄罗斯“联盟” 号运载火箭携带着试验型可回收火箭助推器腾空而起。火箭助推器在进入预定轨道,绕地球飞行5圈后,返回了稠密大气层。这时,助推器忽然释放出一层薄膜,薄膜迅速充气形成一个气囊,将助推器包得密不透风。在顶住了与大气摩
At the Baikonur Space Center in Kazakhstan, a Russian “Alliance” carrier rocket landed with a pilot-type recoverable rocket booster. The rocket booster returned to the dense atmosphere after it entered orbit five times around Earth. At this time, the booster suddenly released a layer of film, the film quickly inflated to form a balloon, the booster bag is tightly airtight. In the withstand of the friction with the atmosphere