New endoscopy advances to refine adenoma detection rate for colorectal cancer screening: None is the

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyoukini
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Colorectal cancer(CRC) is the third most common cancer in males and second in females, and globally the fourth cause for cancer death worldwide. Oncological screening of CRC has a major role in the management of the disease and it is mostly performed by colonoscopy. Anyway, effectiveness of endoscopic screening for CRC strictly depends on adequate detection and removal of potentially precancerous lesions, and accuracy of colonoscopy in detection of adenomas is still suboptimal. For this reason, several technological advances have been implemented in order to improve the diagnostic sensitivity of colonoscopy in adenoma detection. Among these:(1) Visual technologies such as chromoendoscopy and narrow band imaging;(2) optical innovation as high definition endoscopy, full-spectrum endoscopy or Third Eye Retroscope; and(3) mechanical advances as Cap assisted colonoscopy, Endocuff, Endoring and G-Eye endoscope. All these technologies advances have been tested over time by clinical studies with mixed results. Which of them is more likely to be successful in the next future? Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in males and second in females, and globally the fourth cause for cancer death worldwide. Oncological screening of CRC has a major role in the management of the disease and it is mostly performed by colonoscopy. Anyway, effectiveness of endoscopic screening for CRC strictly depends on adequate detection and removal of potentially precancerous lesions, and accuracy of colonoscopy in detection of adenomas is still suboptimal. For this reason, several technological advances have been implemented in order to improve the diagnostic sensitivity of (2) Optical innovation as high definition endoscopy, full-spectrum endoscopy or Third Eye Retroscope; and (3) mechanical advances as Cap assisted colonoscopy Endocuff, Endoring and G-Eye endoscope. All these technologies advances have been tested over time by clinical studies wi th mixed results. Which of them is more likely to be successful in the next future?
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