
来源 :史前研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanke0022
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沈阳新乐遗址属于新石器时文化遗存,1973年发现,之后经多次考古发掘,其中在1978年发掘的二号房址(78F2)中,发现了一件已炭化的木雕艺术品,引起专家学者的高度关注,尤其是对这件木雕品的形态、纹饰、用途等问题,推测、猜想、论证众说纷纭。为此,笔者也想通过对此件物品的观察研究提出一管之见,参与讨论和交流。不当之处,请同仁指正。一、炭化木雕品的出土 The site of Shenyang Xinle belongs to Neolithic cultural relics and was discovered in 1973. After several archaeological excavations, among the site No. 78 (78F2) discovered in 1978, a carved woodcarving artwork was discovered, causing experts Scholars have paid close attention to this issue, especially the speculation, conjecture and argument on the form, decoration and use of this wood carving. To this end, I also want to put forward one opinion through the observation and study of this item, participate in the discussion and exchange. Improper, please correct me. A, carbonized wood carving unearthed