二、书法练习的有关条件古人学书所注意之运笔用墨、辨纸临摹以及选碑等事,应如何有助于初学?曰: (一)执笔之前,须先选笔。选笔,我绝不主张专用羊毫。因毫有软硬,字有刚柔。篆隶柔中见刚,宜用羊毫;行书刚中见柔,宜用狼毫;正楷也刚也柔,用羊、用狼、用兼,俱无不
Second, the conditions related to calligraphy practice The ancient people learn the book notes with the ink, copy paper and other things such as monument selection, how to contribute to beginner? Say: (A) before writing, you must first select the pen. Election pen, I do not advocate special sheep. Because there are soft and hard, the word has rigid and soft. Zhuanli soft see just, it is appropriate to use the sheep; line just see the soft, should use wolf cents; block is also just soft, with sheep, with the wolf, with both, all without exception