在阿尔金断裂和祁连北缘断裂交会处识别出两期岩浆活动:112~106 Ma的粗玄质熔岩喷发和83 Ma的粗面质的岩浆侵入.修改了前人认为该火山形成于晚新生代的看法.岩石学研究表明这两种岩石在矿物组合和化学成分方面相差甚大,结合年代学研究,应将其归于两期岩浆作用所形成.认为阿尔金断裂带中发生的白垩纪火山活动和变形作用,是阿尔金断裂自印支期强烈活动之后的再一次活化.
Two phases of magmatic activity were identified at the intersection of the fault of the Altyn Tagh and the northern margin of the Qilian fault: the emplacement of the coarse metaphosphatic lava from 112 Ma to 106 Ma and the magmatic intrusion of the 83 Ma facies, modifying previously thought that the volcano was formed late Cenozoic.Petrology studies have shown that these two kinds of rock in the mineral composition and chemical composition vary greatly, combined with the chronological study, should be attributed to the formation of two periods of magmatism.It is believed that the Cretaceous volcanic occurred in the Altyn Tagh fault Activities and deformations are the reactivations of the Altun fault since the Indo-Chinese strong activity.