【摘 要】
Electro-optic Pockels cell are important opto-electronic devices for conduction of optical switching, optical modulation, where an electrical biasing signal acts on a polarized light passing through the system. Since last few decades lots of works are rep
【机 构】
【出 处】
Electro-optic Pockels cell are important opto-electronic devices for conduction of optical switching, optical modulation, where an electrical biasing signal acts on a polarized light passing through the system. Since last few decades lots of works are reported in this area. Again, it is observed that a good switching or modulation becomes realized if the depth of modulation is increased by increasing more phase difference between two orthogonal polarized components of light passing through the material against a biasing signal. Here in this paper the authors propose a new scheme, where multi-passing technique is used to create a high degree of phase difference between those two orthogonal polarized components of light against the biasing signal. The multi-passing of light through the material enables more and more optical path length for the light. So, more and more phase difference between the components of light beams, one passing outside the material and other passing through the material multiple times is created. This method ultimately generates a high degree of depth of modulation in optical switching.
提出了一种光纤干涉投影测量三维形貌的新方法。采用具有良好正弦性的光纤激光干涉条纹作为载波条纹进行投影,并且激光光源波长可调谐,通过精确控制电流源电流以改变激光波长来达到干涉条纹相位移动的目的,进而通过移相算法可求解出相位值乃至被测物体的三维轮廓。实验中,相位提取采用重叠四步平均算法,其能够减小移相误差使得系统在50 mm口径范围下均方根值控制在30μm以内。
A novel beam-steering external cavity diode laser using an intracavity lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT) electro-optic ceramic deflector is proposed and demonstrated experimentally. The laser consists of a semiconductor laser with single mode fiber
采用非线性理论对本所8 mm拉曼自由电子激光器进行数值模拟,并通过改变工作参数来研究激光器的调谐特性,证明激光器的波长从5 mm到12 mm连续可调,所得结果与实验相吻合。
研究了中国亚热带地区常见的三种常绿阔叶树种在不同强度的UVB(L-UVB, CK和UVB)作用下, 其叶片的叶绿素相对含量及可见光部分的光谱反射率的变化特征。 实验结果显示: 不同受试树种对UVB敏感不同, 叶绿素含量因树种不同变化很大, 同一树种在叶绿素含量上过滤UVB处理显著高于加强UVB处理; 在可见光部分的光谱反射率, 加强UVB的处理则普遍高于L-UVB的处理; 树种间对不同胁迫程度的适应存在差异。 在不同强度UVB作用后, 各树种叶片在可见光部分的光谱反射率的差异主要集中在绿光及红光。 本文的
Dual combs are an emerging tool to obtain unprecedented resolution, high sensitivity, ultrahigh accuracy, broad bandwidth, and ultrafast data updating rate in the fields of molecular spectroscopy, optical metrology, as well as optical frequency synthesis.
提出了一种基于预扭制保偏光纤(PMF)Sagnac环形镜结构的光纤扭转传感器,该传感器可以同时实现扭转方向的判别和扭转角度的测量。此结构的传感部分由熔接在两段2 mm长的多模光纤(MMF)中间2 cm长预扭制的熊猫型PMF构成,通过透射光谱中谐振波谷波长或功率变化的测量,实现扭转方向判别和扭转角度的测量。实验结果表明,该传感器具有较高的灵敏度。逆时针扭转时,谐振波谷波长随着扭转角度的增大发生蓝移,