当我们重新打开《流民图》这幅巨制,仍然摆脱不掉那真实、生动所带给我们的心灵震颤。画家用高度熟练的严谨的写实手法,把血泪斑斑的现实搬上了画面。那一百多个接近真人大小的人物组成了失业、饥饿、流浪、疾病、死亡等惊心动魄的景象是那样异常的真实。即使是躲避轰炸、精神失常、被迫自尽等等撕心裂肺的情节,也丝毫没有人为的夸张。一切都那么真实生动,毫无虚张声势之感。 几十年过去了,《流民图》何以还能如此强烈打动观者的心扉?究其主要原因是深刻、鲜明、生动的艺术形象打动了人。而这些成功的艺术形象是画家真情投入社会生活,体察人民喜、怒、哀、乐之后产生的浓浓情感与画家强烈的社会责任感
When we reopen this huge system of “migrant people”, we still can not get rid of the tremor that can bring us real and vivid. Painter with a highly skilled and rigorous realistic approach, the reality of blood and tears onto the screen. That more than a hundred people close to the size of a real person is such an anomalous reality as the thrilling sight of joblessness, starvation, wandering, sickness and death. Even the plot of avoiding crashes, mental disorders, being forced to commit suicide, and so forth are no exaggeration. Everything is so vivid, there is no sense of bluff. Decades have passed since the birth of the “migrant pictures” so strongly that the viewer’s heart is so touched. The main reason is that profound, vivid and vivid artistic images have touched people. These successful artistic images are the artist’s true feelings into social life, people’s joy, anger, sadness, music generated after the thick feelings and painters strong social responsibility