地高辛是临床上常用的治疗心功能不全药 ,该药有效治疗的安全范围狭窄 ,治疗量与中毒量非常接近 ,个体差异亦较大 ,若服用不当极易发生中毒反应 ,因此 ,在使用地高辛时需注意以下问题。医生开处方要做到用法用量准确无误 ,药房调剂人员在发药时要强调使用方法和剂量 ,病人要绝?
Digoxin is commonly used in clinical treatment of cardiac insufficiency, the drug is effective treatment of narrow security range, the amount of treatment and poisoning is very close, the individual differences are also larger, if taken improperly prone to toxic reactions, therefore, the use of Digoxin should pay attention to the following questions. The doctor prescribe the usage to be accurate, the pharmacy dispensing staff should emphasize the usage method and the dosage when dispensing, what should the patient do?