眼球压迫试验对青光眼的早期诊断很有价值。但目前对该试验的测量、计算方法及其正常值尚未能统一。为了探求我区眼球压迫试验的正常值,我们对100例正常人(200只眼)进行了压迫试验。现报道如下: 方法及结果 100例均为正常健康人,视力在1.0以上,无青光眼症状及家族史者。11~60岁分五个年龄组,每组20人,男女各半。受检者仰卧,以0.5%地卡因滴眼两次,用苏州产Schiotz眼压计测量眼压,记录为P_o。然后以Bailliart氏视网膜血压计于外直肌附着处之巩膜上加压50g,持续4分钟。除去压
Eye compression test is very valuable for the early diagnosis of glaucoma. However, the current measurement of the test, calculation methods and their normal values have not yet been unified. In order to explore the normal ophthalmic oppression test in our area, we performed oppression tests on 100 normal subjects (200 eyes). Are reported as follows: Methods and Results 100 cases were normal healthy people, visual acuity of 1.0 or more, no glaucoma symptoms and family history. 11 to 60 years old in five age groups, each 20 people, men and women in half. Subjects were supine, with 0.5% tetracycline eye drops twice, using Suzhou Schiotz tonometer to measure intraocular pressure, recorded as P_o. Then 50g was applied to the sclera of the rectus abdominis with a Bailliart’s retinal sphygmomanometer for 4 minutes. Remove the pressure