
来源 :白求恩医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyberfu
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[病例]男,65岁。因尿频,尿急,进行性排尿困难2年,饮酒后急性尿潴留1天陶冶院。查体:病人下腹部膀胱区隆起,压痛(+),反跳病(±),置导尿管顺利,导出血性尿液大约600ml,尔后膀胱区仍饱满,叩诊浊音,移动性浊音(±)。肛诊:前列腺呈Ⅱ°肿大,表面光滑,质韧,触痛阳性。B超检查:膀胱大小尚正常,充盈欠佳、形体欠规则,其内透声不均,膀胱壁可见多处皱折,膀胱内可见散在的条索 [Case] ​​Male, 65 years old. Due to frequent urination, urgency, progressive dysuria 2 years, after drinking acute urinary retention 1 day pottery Institute. Check the body: the lower abdomen bladder area uplift, tenderness (+), rebound disease (±), set the catheter smoothly, the introduction of bloody urine about 600ml, after which the bladder area is still full, percussion dullness, . Rectal examination: prostate enlargement Ⅱ °, the surface is smooth, tough quality, tenderness positive. B-ultrasound: the bladder size is still normal, poor filling, the body owes regularity, the sound is uneven within the bladder wall can be seen many folds, scattered in the bladder can be seen in the bar