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我总是远远地看着她。我们学校的校花,比我高一年级,总喜欢穿蓝色长裙,在头发上扎一块白色的半透明手绢。每次出操的时候,我总在人群里寻找那白色蝴蝶一样的手绢,然后看那蓝色的裙角一闪而过,我总有一种幻觉,她经过时,空气都是香的吧。高中时,追她的男孩如过江之鲫,但没有任何绯闻。后来听说她考上了长沙最出名的重点本科,毕业后回了我们那个小城,嫁给一个师兄。那师兄我见过,长得脸白如 I always look at her far. Our school’s school flowers, a year older than me, always like to wear a blue dress, tie a piece of white translucent handkerchief on the hair. Every time I go out, I always look for the white butterfly-like handkerchief in the crowd, and then look at the blue skirt flashing, I always have a hallucination, when she passes, the air is fragrant. High school, chasing her boy like a crucian carp, but no scandal. Later I heard that she admitted to Changsha, the most famous key undergraduate, after graduation back to our little town, married to a fellow. That brother I have seen, grow pale
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