Abstract:Dealing with Chinese idioms in interpreting remains a hard nut to crack for many interpreting trainees. Idioms are complex, concise in forms and closely related to one particular culture, thus increasing the difficulty for interpreters. At the same time, interpreting activity requires interpreter to quickly respond to whatever they may hear and to transfer the message in limited time. The difficulty level of translating idioms is again elevated.
Based on previous studies, the author seeks to find out the different translation strategies interpreters tend to adopt, the problems they meet and the improving methods of Chinese idioms interpretation.
Key words: Chinese-to-English Interpretation, Chinese idioms, translation strategies, problems, reasons.
广义上来讲,汉语的成语包含了谚语和俚语。史式提出,人们以书面形式固定使用的文化内涵短语,即为成语。可以是俚语、谚语、政治用语等。(史式, 1979:45)
成語翻译的策略有如下几种:直译、意译、补偿翻译、英文对等翻译、减译。如“趁热打铁”可直译为“Strike the iron while it is hot”。 而“欢天喜地”可意译为 “in great joy and ecstasy ”。 “毛遂自荐”可采用补偿翻译策略,译为 “be willing to offer one’s service like what Mao Sui did”。 “不要打草惊蛇”有其对应的英文表达: “don’t wake up a sleeping dog”,可直接采用。“左顾右盼”译为 “to glance around”。“左”和“右”其实说的是一回事,因此在翻译时,可以简化,直接译为“around”。
为何译者在翻译文化典故类时太过倚重意译呢?成语因其背后丰富的文化内涵,口译员在极短的处理时间内,难以详细解释。比如,翻译句子“中国许多知名的企业领导人都具备求贤若渴的特点,有的为了争取得力助手,甚至三顾茅庐,树立了任人唯贤的好榜样”时,92%的译者在选择省略刘备三次拜访诸葛亮的故事,将“三顾茅庐”译为:“to pay a visit to the talents for more than one time”, or “to visit the talents once and again”. 仅有3%的译者提及了背后的文化故事,“pay visits to the talents like Liubei did to Zhugeliang, the prime minister of Shu County.”
[1]Zhao, Yanchun. A Reductionist approach to Translatology [M], Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2005.
[2]陈文伯. 英汉成语对比与翻译[M]. 北京:世界知识出版社,2004.
[3]鲍刚. 口译理论概述[M]. 北京:中国对外翻译出版有限公司, 2001.
[4]丁东梅. 双语词典中汉语四字格成语翻译研究[J]. 苏州. 苏州大学.2008.
Abstract:Dealing with Chinese idioms in interpreting remains a hard nut to crack for many interpreting trainees. Idioms are complex, concise in forms and closely related to one particular culture, thus increasing the difficulty for interpreters. At the same time, interpreting activity requires interpreter to quickly respond to whatever they may hear and to transfer the message in limited time. The difficulty level of translating idioms is again elevated.
Based on previous studies, the author seeks to find out the different translation strategies interpreters tend to adopt, the problems they meet and the improving methods of Chinese idioms interpretation.
Key words: Chinese-to-English Interpretation, Chinese idioms, translation strategies, problems, reasons.
广义上来讲,汉语的成语包含了谚语和俚语。史式提出,人们以书面形式固定使用的文化内涵短语,即为成语。可以是俚语、谚语、政治用语等。(史式, 1979:45)
成語翻译的策略有如下几种:直译、意译、补偿翻译、英文对等翻译、减译。如“趁热打铁”可直译为“Strike the iron while it is hot”。 而“欢天喜地”可意译为 “in great joy and ecstasy ”。 “毛遂自荐”可采用补偿翻译策略,译为 “be willing to offer one’s service like what Mao Sui did”。 “不要打草惊蛇”有其对应的英文表达: “don’t wake up a sleeping dog”,可直接采用。“左顾右盼”译为 “to glance around”。“左”和“右”其实说的是一回事,因此在翻译时,可以简化,直接译为“around”。
为何译者在翻译文化典故类时太过倚重意译呢?成语因其背后丰富的文化内涵,口译员在极短的处理时间内,难以详细解释。比如,翻译句子“中国许多知名的企业领导人都具备求贤若渴的特点,有的为了争取得力助手,甚至三顾茅庐,树立了任人唯贤的好榜样”时,92%的译者在选择省略刘备三次拜访诸葛亮的故事,将“三顾茅庐”译为:“to pay a visit to the talents for more than one time”, or “to visit the talents once and again”. 仅有3%的译者提及了背后的文化故事,“pay visits to the talents like Liubei did to Zhugeliang, the prime minister of Shu County.”
[1]Zhao, Yanchun. A Reductionist approach to Translatology [M], Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2005.
[2]陈文伯. 英汉成语对比与翻译[M]. 北京:世界知识出版社,2004.
[3]鲍刚. 口译理论概述[M]. 北京:中国对外翻译出版有限公司, 2001.
[4]丁东梅. 双语词典中汉语四字格成语翻译研究[J]. 苏州. 苏州大学.2008.