70年前的今天傍晚,从瑞金、兴国、石城、长汀等地出发集结于都的中央机关和中央红军主 力部队,正是从赣州的于都渡河,开始实行战略大转移,离别中央苏区进行长征的。长征是我们 中华民族历史上的空前壮举。正如毛泽东同志所说:长征是历史记录上的第一次。自从盘古开 天地,三皇五帝到于今,历史上曾经有过我们这样的长征吗?没有。从1934年10月到1936年 10月,在历时两年的时间里,中国共产党领导的工农红军以无与伦比的英雄气概,既不怕天空每
This evening 70 years ago, starting from the Ruijin, Xingguo, Shicheng, Changting and other places set off from the central authorities and the Central Red Army’s main force, it is from Ganzhou’s Dudu Du River, began a strategic shift, leave the Central Soviet Area Long March’s. The Long March is an unprecedented feat in the history of the Chinese nation. As Comrade Mao Zedong said: The Long March is the first record in history. Since Pangu opened up to the world, did the Three Emperors and Five Emperors come here today, have we had such a long march in history? From October 1934 to October 1936, for two years, the Red Army, a worker-peasant army led by the Chinese Communist Party, was neither afraid of sky